BitTorrent Network Content Cache System
摘要: 为了解决BitTorrent网络产生的巨大流量造成的网络拥塞问题,研究了BitTorrent网络内容缓存服务机制,设计了包括网络流量监控管理系统和内容缓存服务器的内容缓存系统.该系统可以从网络TCP流中自动识别并截获特定网络范围内使用BitTorrent下载的热门文件,并只对该网络内部提供缓存上传服务.实验结果表明,使用BitTorrent网络内容缓存机制可以显著降低BitTorrent下载带来的网际间流量.Abstract: To solve the problem that BitTorrent networks produce a large volume of traffic and put great pressure to network operator, a BitTorrent working mechanism is researched, and a content cache service system for BitTorrent networks is designed. The system includes a traffic monitoring and administrating system and a content cache server, which can automatically download the popular files and upload it to the peers in a given range of network. Experiment results show that the system can reduce the traffic across the border of networks remarkably.