Forward-backward Secure Group Signature Scheme
摘要: 为了研究群签名方案的前向安全性和后向安全性保证技术,基于哈希链实现了一种具备前向安全和后向安全的群签名方案,在密钥更新阶段采用门限方法与其他成员共享其每个时间周期内的子秘密,在签名生成阶段成员利用公开信息和哈希函数单向性验证其他参与者份额的真实性,即使在验证失败的情况下也可由多个参与者利用门限方案合作完成群签名,提升了系统的安全性和稳定性.分析表明,该方案比现有同类群签名方案具有更好的安全性和更高的效率.Abstract: To investigate forward security and backward security,a one-way Hash chain-based group signature scheme is presented,in which the subsecrets of each interval are shared by using threshold method,and the validity of shares can be verified by using Hash chains and public information.The group signature can be generated successfully even if minority players present fault shares to the signer by utilizing the threshold method.In this way,the performance and security are improved.Analysis shows that the proposed scheme is not only more efficient but also more secure than previous group signature schemes.