
    Development and Evaluation of a Passive Bus Signal Priority Algorithm at Isolated Intersection

    • 摘要: 分析了周期时长与交叉口人均延误、车均延误指标的关系,确定了周期时长的计算方法;为进一步减少人均延误,提出了在不发生拥堵前提下根据各相位乘客数量分配富余绿灯时间的绿信比优化方法;最后采用算例验证的方式,分别计算了当交叉口实施单相、多相被动公交优先前后的交叉口效益,并与无公交优先控制方案进行对比分析,结果表明:被动公交优先算法的控制效益与公交优先相位数存在密切关系,当优先相位数较少时,该算法能有效减少交叉口人均延误.


      Abstract: Passive bus signal priority (BSP) at isolated intersections is one important measure to reduce bus delay and improve bus service.Firstly,the relationship between cycle length and evaluation indices such as average vehicle delay and average passenger delay are studied,and the optimal cycle length calculating method is determined.Then a green split optimization method,which allocates marginal green time to signal phases according to the number of passengers,is brought forward to reduce average passenger delay.At last,one intersection with four critical phases is taken as example to evaluate the performance of the algorithm.Evaluation index of one phase BSP and multiple phases BSP algorithms are attained respectively and control benefits are compared with timing schemes without BSP.Results show that the number of priority phases has a strong influence on the performance.Average passenger delay can be reduced significantly when one or two phases are given priority.


