
    Urban Management System Based on Notion of Macro-security

    • 摘要: 针对城市非传统安全问题日益频繁、越来越综合化的现象,提出了以"安全与发展相统一"和"综合性安全"思想为核心的大安全观,构筑了城市大安全概念体系,并据此对城市安全管理的战略调整、运行机制建设和管理机构改革提出了新的设想和建议.


      Abstract: Aiming the phenonenons of non-traditional security incidents more and more frequently and comprehensively occure, this paper puts forward a new security notion named macro-security. Based on the notion, urban macro-security system was presented. According to the macro-security theory, the strategy adjustment and the administrative system reform of urban security management were discussed.


