Optimization of Public Transport Network Based on the Component Importance Analysis
摘要: 为改善公交网络运营状态,基于公交网络的单元重要度和可靠度,对节点重要度和路段单元重要度进行了分析;以公交网络综合效益最大作为优化目标,考虑公交运行时间约束,建立了公交网络的优化模型.以某市公交网络规划为例,得到公交网络调整方案,使公交系统的可靠度得到提高.Abstract: Based on the component importance and reliability of public transport network,the node importance and road unit importance are analyzed to improve the operation of public transport network.Using the integrated benefit of the system as optimization objective,and traveling time as restriction,an optimum model of public transport network is built.Then,an example is given to illuminate the network adjustment. It makes a higher public transport system reliability.