
    The Thermal Design of Cold Plate

    • 摘要: 按需要设计了只有一层翅片、总厚不足5 mm的冷板.液体冷却剂在Re<100的条件下运作,设计采用一维数学模型描述冷板在稳态工况下的传热和流动特性,计算结果能较好地与后来的实验数据相吻合.


      Abstract: A cold plate(CP) of small volume and high heat flux for cooling high power electronic equiments was designed and experimented, which has only one layer of fins and is less than 5 mm thick. Coolant circulates properly when Re is under 100 in the system consisting of CP, pumps, refrigerator, chokes, etc.. An one dimensional numerical model was obtained to describe the performance of CP working under steady heat tranfer and steady flow. The theory is compared with the experimental data recently obtained. The agreement between the model prediction and the experimental result is very good.


