
    A Practical Method for the Analysisof Cylindrical Reticulated Shells Formed from the Equilateral Triangular Grids

    • 摘要: 本文在日本尾崎昌凡提出的网壳实用计算法的基础上,进一步针对正三角形网格园柱形网壳建立出偏微分方程,求出其解答,并列出各内力计算公式,可直接应用。


      Abstract: Masakazu Ozaki, in his paper, developed a pratical method for the stress analysis of reticulated shells having fine mashes. The fundamental differential equations are derived after setting up the equations of equilibrium and compatibility. To solve these equations by applying finite difference equations and the requirements of boundary conditions.
      This paper further developed the partial differential equations of a cylindrical reticulated shell formed from an assembly of elements containing six frame-work members intersecting at a common joint.
      It is hoped that this formulation will contribute to the calculation of cylindrical reticulated shells.


