
    Study on the Clearing Sand Frames of the Crude Oil Storage Tank

    • 摘要: 对原油集输储运中普遍存在的油砂如何分离,清除储罐中的沉砂等问题进行了深入地探讨和研究,提出了一套行之有效的方法,并设计出一种能将罐内沉砂聚集在罐圆周死角处堆积并将沉砂抽吸出罐外处理的装置;与固定式吸入盘管相比,避免了因沉砂堵塞造成的砂泵断流现象,保证了泵的平稳可靠运行.此项研究得到了专家和工程技术人员的肯定,获得了实用新型专利.


      Abstract: An effective method is proposed to resolve the problems about how to saparate oil from sand in crude oil storage and transportation and how to clear the sedimental sand in storage tank. A newly designed clearing sand frame can make the sedimental sand collected and piled up in blind angle of the tank circumference and suck it out of the tank for treatment. It can prevent sand pump from blocking up and flow-cutting, and keep the pump running uninterruptedly. This scientific and technological achievement has won Chinese patent.


