
    The Main Conditions for Approximation of Self-tuning Regulator to Minimum Variance Controller

    • 摘要: 本文探讨了闭环条件下自校正调节器(STR)参数的最小二乘估计结果随β0设定值变化的一般规律,简捷地证明了STR最终收斂于最小方差控制器(MVC)的条件是二者阶次相当,而在实际有限时间历程内,使STR最好地逼近于MVC的一个重要附加条件则是β0等于真值β0


      Abstract: The paper examines the general law of the least squares estimates for the self-tuning regulator(STR) parameters varying with the presetvalue, and,furthermore,verifies succinctly that the condition for the eventual convergence of a STR to minimum variance controller (MVC) is that they have the corresponding degrees,while the important additional condition for optimal approximation of a STR to MVC within a finite time duration is just β0=β0(true value).
      It is also proved that any deviation of a STR from MYC may lead to the deterioration in performance,i.e.the increase of the variance of output error.The reasons fort he existence of the lower limit of β0 are analysed,and the measures for accelerating the convergence process of STR parameters are proposed. Numerical simulation examples are presented.


