
    A Technique for the Design of Field Names in Chinese DBASE Ⅱ Files

    • 摘要: 探索出一种在中文DBASEⅡ文件中字段设计的一个技巧:用英文代码和中文缩写分别命名两个字段完全对应的文件的字段名;字段名用代码,第一条记录的每一字段内容是该字段的中文名全称的第三个文件:三个文件可交互使用。


      Abstract: In this paper, we explore the technique for the design of field namesin in Chinese dBASE Ⅱ files, when the data are fed into the file, they will be more efficient to name the fields in Chinese. But on the other hand, when the data will de read from the file, they are efficient to name the fields with English character code, sush as tl,b2, g5, … etc. Because some of the Chinese names may have been fed twice or even more, we also require the computer to print a table, the Chinese name of each fiele may consist of more than two Chinese characters, The purpose of this paper is to introduce a method for the solution of the Broblems mentioned above.


