
    Quantification Analysis of Shared Battery Swap Station Value Based on Simulation Methods

    • 摘要: 相较于电动汽车充电站, 换电站具有补能时间短、空间面积小等优点。多品牌电动汽车高效共享换电站, 能够极大程度优化补能结构, 减少资源浪费。为了量化共享换电站对电动汽车用户的价值, 基于排队理论, 利用蔚来汽车品牌的运行数据, 搭建一个模拟用户换电行为的仿真器, 通过量化用户的平均排队时间和换电站数量, 评估电动汽车用户在不同电动汽车规模和换电站渗透率下的换电体验。结果表明, 电动汽车品牌共享换电站资源, 能够显著减少电动汽车用户的排队时间, 以及将排队时间保持在期望阈值内所需的换电站数量, 从而提高用户的充电体验并节省换电站建设成本。


      Abstract: Compared to electric vehicle charging stations, battery swapping stations have advantages such as shorter energy replenishment time and smaller spatial area. Multi-brand electric vehicle high-efficiency shared battery swapping stations can optimize the energy replenishment structure to a great extent and reduce resource waste. To quantify the value of shared battery swapping stations for electric vehicle users, based on queue theory and using the operating data of NIO car brand, a simulator was developed to simulate user's battery swapping behavior and quantify the average queuing time and the number of battery swapping stations, to evaluate the battery swapping experience of electric vehicle users under different scales of electric vehicles and penetration rates of battery swapping stations. Results show that sharing battery swapping station resources among different electric vehicle brands can significantly reduce the queuing time of electric vehicle users and the number of battery swapping stations needed to keep the queuing time within the expected threshold, thereby improving the user's charging experience and reducing the construction cost of battery swapping stations.


