
    Research Progress of Electrochemical Dealloying for Tuning Microstructures of Pt-based Nanocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction

    • 摘要: 铂基纳米结构催化剂因其高活性而成为质子交换膜燃料电池阴极最有应用前景的氧还原催化剂。电化学脱合金能够通过调节铂基催化剂的表面结构提升催化剂性能, 并且兼具简单易行、低成本等优点, 成为优化铂基催化剂的有效手段之一。重点介绍电化学脱合金在铂基催化剂的微结构调控中的应用研究进展。首先, 对铂基氧还原催化剂的电化学脱合金机理进行了归纳总结; 其次, 从纳米催化剂(组分、粒径、表面暴露晶面)和电化学脱合金条件(电位、扫描速率、气氛)两大方面分析了电化学脱合金在铂基催化剂微观结构调控中的机理, 并对其未来的研究发展进行了展望。


      Abstract: Pt-based nanostructured catalysts are the most promising oxygen reduction catalysts for the cathodes of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) due to their high catalytic activity. Electrochemical dealloying, with the advantages of simplicity and low cost, is one of the effective methods to optimize Pt-based catalysts by modulating the surface structure of the catalysts and thus enhancing the catalytic performance. This review outlined recent advances in the application of electrochemical dealloying techniques to optimize the microstructure of Pt-based catalysts. First, the mechanism of electrochemical dealloying for Pt-based catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction was summarized. Second, the application of electrochemical dealloying was summarized from two aspects: the impact on different nanocatalysts (composition, particle size and exposed facets) and the impact of electrochemical dealloying conditions (potential, scan rate and atmosphere). Challenges and opportunities for further development of this field were also discussed.


