介质微球超分辨光学成像: 原理、技术与应用

    Microsphere Super-resolution Optical Imaging: Principles, Techniques, and Applications

    • 摘要: 光学显微技术在生物学、医学、材料学、精密测量学等领域扮演着至关重要的角色, 为微纳尺度的探索提供了强大的工具。然而, 传统光学显微系统受到衍射极限的制约, 最大分辨率极限约为光波长的一半(λ/2)。近年来, 突破衍射极限、实现更高成像分辨率成为显微成像领域的研究热点。介质微球透镜通过调控光场, 能够将入射光束聚焦于微球底部的极窄区域形成光子纳米射流, 打破了阿贝(Abbe)衍射极限, 使出射光束半峰全宽小于λ/2。与其他超分辨成像技术相比, 微球超分辨成像具有简单直接、无须荧光染料标记、实时成像、可与现有显微系统相兼容等优势, 为学术研究和实际应用开辟了新的机遇。该综述首先介绍了介质微球超分辨光学成像原理; 随后, 详细分析了影响微球超分辨光学成像能力的关键因素, 包括微球光学性质、适用环境以及可控性等; 最后, 探讨了微球超分辨光学成像技术在生物医学、半导体器件、纳米材料科学领域中的应用。此外, 还展望了微球超分辨光学成像技术未来发展面临的主要挑战。


      Abstract: Optical microscopy plays a key role in the fields such as biology, medicine, materials science, and precision measurement, providing a powerful tool for exploration in microscales. However, traditional optical microscopy systems are constrained by the diffraction limit, with a maximum resolution of approximately half of wavelength (λ/2). In recent years, super-resolution imaging beyond the diffraction limit has attracted attention in the field of microscopy. Dielectric microsphere lenses have demonstrated the capability to focus the incident light in a narrow region breaking Abbe's diffraction limit with the full width at half maximum of focal spot smaller than λ/2. Microsphere super-resolution imaging demonstrates the advantages prior to other alternative techniques, including the easy-to-use, free of fluorescence labels, real-time imaging, and compatibility with established microscopy systems. It opens up new opportunities in academic research and practical applications. In this review, the principle of microsphere super-resolution imaging was introduced. Subsequently, the key parameters that affect imaging capability were analyzed in details, including microsphere optical properties, environmental suitability, and controllability. Finally, the applications of microsphere super-resolution imaging in biomedicine, semiconductors, and nanomaterials were explored. Furthermore, the major challenges to development of microsphere super-resolution imagining were prospected.


