
    Numerical Simulation Study on the Dynamic Response Characteristics of Adhesive Steel Reinforced Pipe Joints Under Positive Bending Moments

    • 摘要: 为了研究循环加载作用下粘钢加固管片接头的动力响应特性与破坏模式, 以某实际城市盾构隧道为背景, 建立粘钢加固管片接头的精细化有限元分析模型, 开展正弯矩循环加载下粘钢加固管片接头动力特性模拟, 研究其损伤演化特征、破坏模式、刚度退化、滞回耗能特性、延性变形能力等。研究结果表明: 加载初期加固接头的钢板可有效分担螺栓承担的拉力, 加固接头首先在钢板黏结处发生破坏。在钢板大面积剥离后, 加固与未加固接头的破坏过程趋于一致; 加载初期加固钢板可显著提高管片接头的刚度及接头弯矩。在钢板大面积剥离失效后, 加固接头弯矩及刚度仍略高于未加固接头; 正弯矩循环加载作用下管片接头存在损伤累积特征: 同一级加载下随着循环次数的增加, 接头表现出了一定程度的承载力退化特征; 加载初期因结构胶的开裂失效, 加固接头的耗能能力明显高于未加固接头。加载后期随着混凝土损伤程度的增加, 加固与未加固接头的耗能能力均有所增加, 但加固接头的耗能能力仍稍强于未加固管片接头。


      Abstract: To explore the dynamic response characteristics and failure modes of sticky steel-reinforced segment joints under cyclic loading, a refined finite element analysis model for such joints is developed against the backdrop of a practical urban shield tunnel. This study involves simulating the dynamic characteristics of sticky steel-reinforced segment joints under positive bending moments during cyclic loading, and exploring damage evolution features, failure modes, stiffness degradation, hysteresis energy dissipation characteristics, and ductility deformation capabilities. Results show that during the initial loading stage, the steel plates of the reinforced joint can effectively share the tension borne by the bolts, with the initial failure occurring at the bond between the steel plates. Once extensive delamination of the steel plates occurs, the failure process of the reinforced and unreinforced joints tends to be consistent. During the initial loading stage, the reinforced steel plates significantly enhance the stiffness and bending moment of the segment joint. Even after extensive delamination of the steel plates, the bending moment and stiffness of the reinforced joint remain slightly higher than those of the unreinforced joint. Under positive bending moment cyclic loading, the segment joint exhibits cumulative damage characteristics: with an increase in the number of cycles under the same load level, the joint demonstrates a certain degree of load-carrying capacity degradation. In the initial loading stage, due to the cracking failure of the structural adhesive, the energy dissipation capacity of the reinforced joint is noticeably higher than that of the unreinforced joint. During the later loading stages, the energy dissipation capacity of both reinforced and unreinforced joints increases with the increase in the degree of concrete damage, however, the energy dissipation capacity of reinforced joints is still slightly stronger than that of unreinforced pipe sheet joints.


