
    Traceability, Ozone Formation Potential and Health Risk Assessment of Odor Pollution in a Residential Area of Shanghai

    • 摘要: 针对上海某居民区恶臭投诉问题, 对恶臭物质来源、特征及其风险评估展开相关研究。利用正定矩阵因子分解(positive matrix factorization, PMF)模型对居民区恶臭点连续监测数据进行来源解析, 共识别出3个排放源, 分别为餐厨垃圾源(41.24%)、农业源(32.85%)、二次生成和尾气排放混合源(25.91%), 确定餐厨垃圾源为居民区恶臭的主要来源。通过分析监测点位间主要致臭物质异味活度值(odor active value, OAV)的相关性, 可知居民区受到餐厨垃圾预处理车间和生化车间的恶臭污染为主, 全天受影响程度具有间歇式变化特征。通过计算预处理、生化处理和深加工3个车间排气筒的恶臭物质的臭氧生成潜势(ozone formation potential, OFP), 可知各物质种类对OFP的贡献率从大到小依次为羰基类(37.46%)、醇类(21.38%)、烯烃类(15.52%)、挥发性脂肪酸类(13.70%)、芳香烃类(4.02%)、含氮化合物(3.90%)、烷烃类(1.77%)、酯类(1.29%)、硫化物(0.95%)、含氯有机物(0.01%), 羰基类、醇类、烯烃类、挥发性脂肪酸类为该厂区OFP贡献的代表物质种类。各车间的OFP从高到低依次为预处理车间(27 051.82 μg/m3)、生化车间(7 547.51 μg/m3)、深加工车间(1 647.14 μg/m3), 乙醛、丙烯酸、1-丁烯、甲醛、乙醇、丙烯和苯酚对OFP的贡献率在3个排气筒中均较高, 是该餐厨垃圾处理厂区生成臭氧的主要污染物质, 并且乙醛对OFP的贡献率最高。敏感点恶臭物质的健康风险评估结果表明, 监测期间累计非致癌风险指数与致癌风险指数均超过美国国家环境保护局(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. EPA)推荐的安全阈值, 主要贡献物质分别为丙烯醛和甲醛。因此, 乙醛、丙烯醛和甲醛应作为餐厨垃圾处理厂中恶臭物质的优先监控指标。


      Abstract: On account of the malodor complaints in a residential area in Shanghai, a research on the sources, characteristics and risk assessment of malodorous substances was conducted. The positive matrix factorization (PMF) model was used to conduct the source analysis of the continuous monitoring data of the residential area's malodor point, and three emission sources were identified, which were kitchen waste source (41.24%), agricultural source (32.85%), and mixed source of secondary generation and exhaust emission (25.91%), and the kitchen waste source was the main source of the residential area's malodor. By analyzing the correlation of the odor active values (OAV)of the main odor-causing substances among the monitoring points, it showed that the residential area was mainly affected by the odor pollution of the pretreatment and biochemical workshops, and the degree of influence throughout the day had the characteristics of intermittent change. By calculating the ozone formation potential (OFP) of the malodorous substances in the exhausts of the pretreatment, biochemical treatment and further processing workshops, it was found that the OFP contributions of each species were carbonyls (37.46%), alcohols (21.38%), olefins (15.52%), volatile fatty acids (13.7%), aromatic hydrocarbons (4.02%), nitrogenous compounds (3.90%), alkanes (1.77%), esters (1.29%), sulfide (0.95%) and chlorinated organic substances (0.01%), so carbonyl group, alcohols, olefins, volatile fatty acid substances were representative species of OFP contribution in the plant. OFP of each workshop in descending order was pretreatment workshop (27 051.82 μg/m3), biochemical workshop (7 547.51 μg/m3), deep processing workshop (1 647.14 μg/m3), in which acetaldehyde, acrylic acid, 1-butene, formaldehyde, ethanol, propylene, and phenol were the main ozone-generating pollutants in the kitchen waste treatment plant, and acetaldehyde had the highest OFP contribution radio in the three exhausts. Results of the health risk evaluation of the odorous substances at the sensitive point showed that the non-carcinogenic risks and cumulative carcinogenic during the monitoring period exceeded the safety threshold recommended by U.S. EPA, and the main contributing species were acrolein and formaldehyde, respectively. Therefore, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde should be prioritized as indicators of malodorous substances in food waste treatment plants.


