Water Supply Pipeline Retrofit Optimization According to Spatial Clustering of Pipeline Groups
摘要: 在城市供水管线更新维护实践中, 若按照管材、直径和建设年代等物理属性划分改造管线组, 相同管线组内通常包括许多在空间上分散、长短不一的孤立管线, 更换这些管线需要频繁的服务中断和额外的资源维修成本。为了减少更换方案中分散的孤立管线数, 提出一种基于空间聚类划分管线组的管线优化改造框架。该框架根据管线破损点的空间自相关分析划分空间网格, 然后将网格内的管线进一步按管径分组, 构成待更换的候选管线组; 利用基因表达式编程方法, 以及管径、管龄和管长属性参数建立管线破损数失效模型, 预测管线组未来的破损数; 以最小化破损数为目标函数, 年度预算为约束条件, 建立管线优化改造的数学模型。将该方法应用于实例管网, 对比了空间聚类、属性聚类、基于风险排序3种不同方法得到的管线更换方案; 结果表明, 与其他2种方法相比, 基于空间聚类的方法将空间分散的孤立管线数分别减少36.7%和64.6%。该框架可为制定更具成本效益的供水管线改造方案提供参考。Abstract: The pipeline group categorized by physical attributes often includes many individual pipelines spatially scattered in a large geographical area, yielding the replacement of these pipelines necessitates frequent service interruption and additional costs on the scattered delivery of repair resources. To address this issue, this paper introduces a framework for pipeline replacement optimization on pipeline groups divided by spatial clustering, aiming to reduce the number of scattered individual pipelines in the replacement scheme. The proposed framework incorporates spatial autocorrelation analysis for spatial clustering of pipeline groups as replacement candidates, the pipeline failure model to predict potential failures of pipeline groups, and the replacement optimization model of pipeline groups. The optimization model aims to minimize the number of potential failures with the constraint of the annual budget. The framework was applied to a real WDN, and pipeline replacement schemes obtained by the proposed framework are compared with two other methods, namely, pipeline attribute clustering-based optimization and pipeline risk-based ranking. Results show that the spatial clustering-based grouping helps to reduce the number of spatially scattered individual pipelines by 36.7% and 64.6% compared to the other two methods, respectively. The proposed framework is expected to provide more cost-benefit schemes for pipeline replacement.