叶红玲, 田福威, 魏南, 李洪义. 跳台雪板仿生点阵结构优化设计[J]. 北京工业大学学报. DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023020001
    引用本文: 叶红玲, 田福威, 魏南, 李洪义. 跳台雪板仿生点阵结构优化设计[J]. 北京工业大学学报. DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023020001
    YE Hongling, TIAN Fuwei, WEI Nan, LI Hongyi. Optimization Design of Snowboard of Ski Jumping With Bionic Lattice Structure[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Technology. DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023020001
    Citation: YE Hongling, TIAN Fuwei, WEI Nan, LI Hongyi. Optimization Design of Snowboard of Ski Jumping With Bionic Lattice Structure[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Technology. DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023020001


    Optimization Design of Snowboard of Ski Jumping With Bionic Lattice Structure

    • 摘要: 通过借鉴自然界中毛竹的截面微观结构特征,设计了一种应用于跳台雪板内的仿生点阵结构,并基于响应面方法进行了优化设计。通过数值仿真模拟准静态压缩和三点弯曲实验,探究了仿生点阵结构的承载与抗弯性能。研究仿生点阵结构的单胞胞体壁厚、柱状结构的半径和壁厚3个几何参数对其力学性能的影响规律,并运用主次影响分析方法探究不同几何参数对力学性能的影响程度。建立了以比刚度、比弯曲刚度最大为目标,以单胞几何尺寸为约束的优化模型,并采用非支配排序遗传算法进行计算求解,得到Pareto前沿最优解,经数值仿真验证仿生点阵结构抗弯承载性能显著优于雪板内原始点阵格栅结构以及其余两种点阵格栅结构。研究结果对于跳台雪板内填充点阵格栅结构的仿生设计以及雪板整体力学性能的提升具有重要意义。


      Abstract: A bionic lattice structure for the snowboard of ski jumping is designed by referring to the cross-sectional microstructure characteristics of bamboo in nature, and the optimization design is carried out based on the response surface method. The bearing and bending properties of the bionic lattice structure were investigated by numerical simulation of quasi-static compression and three-point bending experiments. The effects of three geometric parameters of bionic lattice structure, such as cell wall thickness, cylindrical structure radius and wall thickness, on its mechanical properties were studied, and the primary and secondary influence analysis method was used to explore the influence of different geometric parameters on mechanical properties. An optimization model with the maximum specific stiffness and specific bending stiffness as the objective and the geometric size of the unit cell as the constraint was established, and the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm was used to calculate the solution, and the optimal solution of the Pareto front was obtained. The numerical simulation verified that the bending and bearing capacity of the bionic lattice structure were significantly better than that of the original lattice grid structure in the snowboard and the other two lattice grid structures. The research results are of great significance for the bionic design of the lattice grid structure and the improvement of the overall mechanical properties of the snowboard.


