Flexible Job Shop Scheduling of Machining Based on Multi- objective Differential Evolution Algorithm
摘要: 柔性作业车间的多品种、多件数导致调度难度大、耗费时间较长和成本较高, 为此, 以最大完工时间、能耗和刀具损耗数量为优化目标, 考虑返工、次序的准备时间和批量调度约束, 建立了多目标机加工柔性作业车间调度模型. 提出一种引入综合考虑能耗和加工时间的轮盘赌初始化策略. 针对传统差分进化算法交叉得到的子代机器部分质量较差, 提出一种机器选择的策略, 以此对差分进化算法进行了改进. 将改进后的差分进化算法应用于机加工柔性作业车间调度, 并与传统差分进化算法在机加工柔性作业车间调度进行多组实验对比. 结果表明: 改进差分进化在机加工柔性作业车间调度较传统差分进化算法具有收敛速度较快、鲁棒性较好的优点, 优化后各机器负载更为均衡, 可有效解决多目标机加工柔性作业车间调度问题, 为多品种、多件数类排产任务提供了一种良好的指导方案.Abstract: Flexible job shop scheduling is difficult, time-consuming and cost-effective due to its variety and number of pieces. In this paper, a multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling model for machining was established with the optimization objectives of maximum completion time, energy consumption and tool loss, considering rework, preparation time of sequence and batch scheduling constraints. A multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling model considering energy consumption and tool loss was proposed, and a machine selection strategy was proposed to improve the differential evolution algorithm. The improved differential evolution algorithm was applied to machining flexible job shop scheduling. Compared with the traditional differential evolution algorithm, the improved differential evolution algorithm has the advantages of faster convergence speed and better robustness, and the optimized machine load is more balanced, which can effectively solve the multi-objective machining flexible job shop scheduling problem, and provide a good guidance for multi variety and multi piece scheduling tasks plan.