
    Park-and-Ride Transfer Behaviors Under the Circumstances of Insufficient Park-and-Ride Parking Space

    • 摘要: 为解决停车换乘(park-and-ride,P&R)停车位不足的问题,通过对北京市亦庄开发区2处停车设施进行停车调查及对出行者的停车换乘行为进行RP&SP调查,对P&R停车位不足下P&R的需求特性进行分析,探寻了P&R停车位不足下的P&R规律;并通过建立MNL和巢式Logit模型(NL模型),进一步分析了出行者换乘失败后的出行行为.结果表明:北京一些P&R设施因容量受限无法满足P&R需求,部分出行者在换乘失败后会寻找社会停车场(A停车场)进行二次换乘.影响出行者换乘失败后出行行为的因素主要有出行时间、停车费率、是否限号等.距地铁站较近的A停车场可结合分时段收费策略吸引更多的换乘失败者进行二次换乘.


      Abstract: To investigate travelers' choice behavior when facing the failure of park-and-ride (P&R), the corresponding demand characteristic under the limit of facility capacity was analyzed based on the parking survey associated with two parking lots in Beijng. The multinomial logit (MNL) and nested Logit (NL) models were further developed to describe the travel behavior after travelers cannot accomplish P&R at a time. Results show that some P&R facilities in Beijing are not enough to meet the demand for P&R due to limited capacities. For the travelers of P&R failure, some of them tend to seek the public parking lots for the second transfer. Additionally, the travel behavior after P&R failure is mainly affected by travel time, parking fee and the restricting license plate policy. The public parking lots nearer the subway station can adapt the multiperiod charge strategy such that they can attract more travelers of P&R failure.


