
    Review of Conductive Inks in Printed Electronics

    • 摘要: 随着新型柔性电子器件的出现、发展与应用,印刷电子的制备工艺相对于其他传统技术表现出成本低、效率高以及可大面积生产等比较优势,逐步受到广泛关注.而导电油墨作为印刷电子工艺中的重要组成部分,越来越多的科研工作者对其进行了研究.为此针对导电油墨进行了相关论述,并阐明了未来导电油墨的发展方向,其中重点介绍了金属纳米颗粒型、金属有机分解型和金属纳米线型等不同导电体系的导电油墨,评述了它们的整体特点、制作方法和应用实例,并针对各油墨体系提出了改进其在基材上的附着力设计方法.可以看出:在印刷电子工艺中所使用的导电油墨,其性质与特征决定了整个制备工艺的流程和最终产品性能,并且将会继续沿着低成本、环境友好型和高导电性等方向进行发展.


      Abstract: With the emergence, development and application of new flexible electronic devices, the preparation process of printed electrons has been paid more and more attention by comparing the advantages of low cost, high efficiency and large area production compared with other traditional technologies. As the important part of printed electronics technology, many efforts have been done to the conductive inks by researchers. Therefore, this paper is organized to review the different designs of conductive inks, such as nanoparticles inks, metal organic decomposition inks and metal nanowires inks. Furthermore, the ink properties, preparation methods and applications have been discussed, together with the methodologies for improving adhesion between the conductive inks and substrates. At last, we point out the next-step development of conductive inks in brief. Accordingly, we can conclude that the nature and characteristics of conductive ink determine the entire process and the final product performance. The conductive ink will continue develop in low cost, environmentally friendly technology and high conductivity.


