To solve the problem of lower temperature performance of semi-flexible pavement material, the bending strain in -10℃ index was allowed to evaluate the low temperature crack resistance performance, and it was comparatively studied among AC-13, AC-20 ordinary asphalt mixture and four kinds of gradation of semi-flexible material. Furthermore, low temperature crack resistance performance of semi-flexible pavement with ordinary cement grouting material, anionic and cationic CA grouting material were comparatively studied, to analyze the improvement action on low temperature crack resistance performance with CA grouting material. Results show that bending strains in -10℃ of four kinds of semi-flexible pavement materials is in the 1 050.16×10
-6-1 947.57×10
-6 range, significantly less than the values of ordinary asphalt mixture, which does not satisfy the requirements of the current specification for pavement performance at low temperature. Bending strains in -10℃ of semi-flexible pavement material with cationic CA grouting material is 3 159.26×10
-6, can significantly improve the low temperature performance, but improvement effect with anionic CA grouting material is not significant. The research provides a base of test for further research and technology promotion of semi-flexible pavement.