
    Error Correction in Preprocessing of Next-generation Sequencing

    • 摘要: 在面向下一代的测序技术中,前期纠错方法决定着测序的最终序列质量,因此成为当前研究热点,很多不同的纠错方法被提出,对于这些方法的优缺点以及它们适合的应用,应该有清晰的认识和公正的评估.介绍了现存的各种下一代测序的纠错技术.首先,从各种不同工具所基于的底层算法进行分析;接着,从测序不同平台来看读段错误形成的特点;然后,从各种不同的测序应用角度来观察读段序列错误特征;最后,总结并阐述读段序列纠错工具存在的问题和发展趋势.


      Abstract: To achieve accurate sequenced reads of high quality result,many error correction techniques were proposed. For all these error correction methods,it is essential to evaluate their characteristics and their fitted applications. In this paper,all error correction methods published in the field were reviewed.First,from the underlined algorithms point of view,these available tools were analyzed. Second,from the NGS application platforms,error characteristics of short reads were presented. Third,from the different applications,the read error presentation in these places was reviewed. Finally,a conclusion was drawn and the possible future work for error correction of NGS was introduced.


