
    Analysis of Abnormal Infrasound Signals in Different Regions

    • 摘要: 利用次声波观测方法,分析了2010-01—2014-06发生在瓦努阿图地区的M≥7.0级以上地震震前次声波异常信号特征,发现其波形类似,呈多组分布,频谱分析结果显示其能量主要集中在0.0010.005 Hz.同时,对中国发生的2010-04-14玉树M7.1级地震、2013-04-20雅安M7.0级地震、2013-07-22定西M6.6级地震和2014-02-12于田M7.3级地震震前次声波异常信号进行了波形及频谱分析,并与瓦努阿图地震前接收到的次声波异常信号对比发现,不同地域的地震,其震前次声波异常信号特性不同.这有助于研究震前次声波异常信号与震源地理位置及地质条件之间的关系,对次声波方法预测震源有一定的实际意义.


      Abstract: The characteristics of the abnormal infrasound signals before the M ≥7.0 earthquakes from2002 to 2014 occurred in Vanuatu were studied in this paper by using infrasonic observation method.It is found that the waveforms is similar,and these waves occur in one groups with frequencies in a range of0.001-0.005 Hz.Moreover,the characteristics of the abnormal infrasound signals of the M7.1 April14,2010 Yushu Earthquake,the M7.0 April 20,2013 Yaan Earthquake,the M6.6 July 22,2013 Dingxi Earthquake and the M7.3 February 12,2013 Yutian Earthquake were analyzed.It is found that the abnormal infrasound signals have different waveforms in different regions.This research is contributed to study the relationship between the abnormal infrasound signals and the source of earthquakes,and it also has the certain practical significance in prediction of seismic source.


