张夏恒, 马妍. 因地制宜发展新质生产力的必要性、科学性及着力点[J]. 北京工业大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 24(4): 118-130. DOI: 10.12120/bjutskxb202404118
    引用本文: 张夏恒, 马妍. 因地制宜发展新质生产力的必要性、科学性及着力点[J]. 北京工业大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 24(4): 118-130. DOI: 10.12120/bjutskxb202404118
    ZHANG Xiaheng, MA Yan. The Necessity, Scientificity and Focus of Developing New Quality Productive Forces in Accordance with Local Conditions[J]. JOURNAL OF BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY(SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2024, 24(4): 118-130. DOI: 10.12120/bjutskxb202404118
    Citation: ZHANG Xiaheng, MA Yan. The Necessity, Scientificity and Focus of Developing New Quality Productive Forces in Accordance with Local Conditions[J]. JOURNAL OF BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY(SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2024, 24(4): 118-130. DOI: 10.12120/bjutskxb202404118


    The Necessity, Scientificity and Focus of Developing New Quality Productive Forces in Accordance with Local Conditions

    • 摘要: 因地制宜发展新质生产力是习近平总书记就如何发展新质生产力提出的新要求,为各地发展新质生产力提供了基本遵循、指明了方法路径。因地制宜发展新质生产力重要且迫切,体现在其为实现高质量发展提供强劲推动力、为推进中国式现代化注入新鲜活力、为培育国际竞争新优势把握新机遇、为完善现代化产业体系提供坚实支撑、为贯彻落实新发展理念指明前进方向。因地制宜是习近平总书记始终强调并亲自践行的方法论,是坚持实事求是的重要方法、是立足中国国情的现实选择、是统筹发展全局的前提条件、是避免产能过剩的关键举措。因此,因地制宜发展新质生产力应立足本地资源禀赋和优势条件,以整合科技创新资源,研发通用底层技术;释放数据要素潜能,推进区域协同创新;坚持全面深化改革,打通束缚发展堵点;调整优化金融供给,减轻企业融资压力;完善招才引智体系,锻造人才中坚力量为着力点,加快培育各具特色的新质生产力。


      Abstract: Developing new quality productive forces in response to local conditions is a new requirement put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping on how to develop new quality productive forces, which provides basic guidelines and points out methods and paths for local governments to develop new quality productive forces. Develop new quality productivity is important and urgent, reflected in the new quality productive forces to achieve high quality development provide strong impetus, inject fresh vitality, to foster new international competitive advantage to grasp new opportunities, to improve the modern industrial system, for the implementation of the new development concept. Taking measures according to local conditions is a methodology that the General Secretary has always emphasized and personally practiced. It is an important way to seek truth from facts, a realistic choice based on China′s national conditions, a prerequisite for overall development, and a key measure to avoid overcapacity. Based on the local resource endowment and advantages, all localities should integrate technological innovation resources, research and develop the general underlying technology; release the potential of data elements, promote regional collaborative innovation; insist on comprehensively deepening the reform, overcome the development constraints; increase the financial support, reduce the financing pressure of enterprises; improve the talent introduction system, forge the talent backbone as the focus, and accelerate the cultivation of new productivity with different characteristics.


