Reconstruct Psychic Coordinate of Value:On Marxism Values and College Graduates' Job Hunting Consideration
摘要: 传统对于人的价值考察导致了人的价值的“物化”、“工具化”,从而产生了种种不良价值观,这些价值观严重影响着大学生的择业境界。马克思主义哲学认为,人的价值是人在不断追求、创造和实现自我本质的过程中所体现的“自身主体性”。人的价值的真正实现需要考虑工具价值与主体价值,个人和社会、人类的主体以及个人理想性和实践性的价值等多方面的关系。通过研究马克思主义价值观,有助于更好地批判影响大学生择业境界的不良价值观,从而提升大学生的择业境界。Abstract: Traditionally,value of human being is considered by the way of considering value of object and as a result,value of human materializes and toolizes.That leads to many kinds of harmful values which affect job hunting consideration of graduates severely.Marxism Philosophy finds out that value of human being is self-subjectivity which is achieved during the course of keeping seeking,creating and realizing self essence.The relationships between value of tools and value of subject,individual and society,subject of human being and value of individual ideality and practice and so on are considered when value of human being realizes.Researching value of human being helps to criticize harmful values of graduates' job hunting consideration and promote their job hunting consideration.