
    Contributing Factors and Quality Improvement of Western Language Retrospective Data

    • 摘要: 随着图书馆机读检索和网络图书共享业务的迅速发展,回溯编目已成为图书馆的一项重要工作。文章论述和分析了影响西文回溯书目数据质量的相关因素:人员素质、著录依据、检查机制等,提出了提高其质量的相应对策。


      Abstract: With the rapid development of book-sharing industry through library computer searching and nextwork books application, the retrospective cataloguing has already become an important work in library. This paper lists and analyzes some factors that affect the data quality in retrospective bibliography of western language books: the quality of staff, cataloguing rules, and supervision mechanism of work, etc., and proposes some corresponding methods to improve the quality.


