Comparison Between Chen Lin and Ying Yang' s Style of Writing
摘要: 陈琳与应(王易)的文风同中有异,又异中有同。就作品的文采而论,陈琳文章“微为繁富”,应(王易)“学优以得文”;就作品的气骨看,陈琳的文和赋气骨壮健,应(王易)的诗歌“和而不壮”。陈琳文章的“繁富”、“殊健”主要得之于他的“习”;应(王易)的“文”主要得于他的“学”,而其诗“和而不壮”的特点乃得之于他“流离世故”的生活遭遇。Abstract: Chen Lin and Ying Yang are either similar or different in their literary style. About the literary gift, Chen Lin's works are "a bit flourishing" and Ying Yang's are "resplendent from his rich knowledge"; about the content, Chen Lin's prose and fu are majestic and Ying yang's poesy are "harmonious but not majestic". Moreover, Chen Lin's works are flourishing mainly because of his rich life experiences; Ying Yang's works are resplendent mainly because of his rich knowledge and his poesy are harmonious but not majestic because of his drifting life suffering.