Legal Advice on Introducing Dealer System in China's Second Board
摘要: 针对我国即将推出的创业板市场问题,介绍了创业板市场的3种交易制度,分析了3种交易制度的优劣势,指出了现阶段我国创业板市场引入做市商制度的必要性及法律障碍,并从加强做市商资格认定、加强做市商的信息披露机制、严格做市商惩罚机制等方面提出了我国创业板市场引入做市商制度的法律对策。Abstract: In order to make the second board run successfully, this article introduces three kinds of trading system in the second board, and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages. This article points out that the introduction of dealer system is necessary in second board, but now its intrduction into second board has law block. Then the article gives some legal advice on the introduction of dealer system.