Crisis and the Characteristic Analysis of Social Crisis in China
摘要: 为了揭示危机发生的规律,有效地防范和化解各种危机,采用了实证研究和逻辑分析的方法,结合我国实际,从社会学和管理学的角度,分析了危机的内涵和特点以及现阶段我国社会危机发生的特点和诱因等方面的问题。指出现阶段我国社会经济所具有的过渡色彩和诸多不稳定、不平衡因素,加剧了社会经济运行中的公共风险,增加了公共危机发生的可能性。Abstract: As economic globalization speeding up, the environment of life and work we depend on and the structure of our economic society have become more and more sensitive and weak. A very little hit can make the system disordered and broken. Experience shows that, a rather small thing may start an overall crisis if it's not dealed with in time at the very beginning. So, with the view of the reality of our country from the angles of sociology and management about crisis, the characteristics and classification of crisis, the characteristics of social crisis and the cause of the social crisis in transitional period of our country have been analyzed which are the fundamental problems drawing great attention in crisis management theory field.