
    The Central Nerve of Enterprise: Financial Contract

    • 摘要: 财务契约是企业的中枢神经,是企业利益关系的焦点。从某种意义上说,企业治理就是财务契约的治理。以往文献对财务契约的界定过于狭窄,基本界定在债务契约上。文章从利益相关者行为互动的全新视角对财务契约重新加以诠释,从而构筑出一套全新的财务契约理论体系,以指导中国企业改革的实践。


      Abstract: Financial contract is the central nerve and the interest focus of enterprise. In some meanings, enterprise governance is financial contacts governance. The previous research limited in bond contract. I define it on the basis of stakeholder theory, and build a scientific financial contract system to guide Chinese enterprises' reforming.


