
    SWOT Analysis and Mechanism Methods Suggestion on the Capital Economic Circle Coordination Development

    • 摘要: 研究提出京津冀地区一体化协同发展的重点和对策以及协同发展的动力机制。采用宏观层面对首都经济圈SWOT(优势、劣势、机遇、威胁)分析的方法,对现状及存在问题进行归纳总结,得出了将部分经济核心功能分离出去和简政放权,对疏解过度集中的首都功能和区域一体化具有重要作用;疏散部分教育功能特别是职业教育和形成京津冀地区均衡的交通网络具有重要意义的结论。


      Abstract: This paper tries to put forward some key points and ways on capital economic circle coordination development.By adopting SWOT analysis method,we summarize the strengths,the weaknesses,the opportunities,and the threat of the capital circle economic area,and we give out some suggestions on mechanism,and strategies for integration and coordination development of the area.The main conclusion is;it is very important for the government to simplify the administration and transfer the power to a lower level in order to transfer some regional functions to Hebei province and Tianjin to relieve the huge pressure of the population,the resources and the environment in Beijing.And we also suggest that some schools and educational institutions be moved out of Beijing,and the capital economic circle regional traffic network be formed.


