Driven Mechanism of Haixia's Economic Integration
摘要: 以海峡两岸经济整合的驱动机制为研究对象,从宏观上分析了海峡两岸经济整合的现状及特点,并得出经济全球化是海峡两岸经济整合的竞争压力驱动,大陆的两岸关系政策是海峡两岸经济整合的政策驱动,合作共赢是海峡两岸经济整合的内在利益驱动,为在现有的制度框架下寻求实现海峡两岸经济共赢发展的最优途径提供了有利的依据。Abstract: In this paper,based on the study on Haixia's economic integration of the driven mechanism,the author analyzes the status quo and characteristics of Haixia's economic integration from a macroscopic scale,in the framework of the existing system,and hopes to seek the best way to realize Haixia's economic development in common.