
    "The Help to Self-Assistance":Social Assistance Involved with the Value of Social Work

    • 摘要: 中国传统社会救济价值观源于道义性。城市居民社会救助制度是对传统社会救济的根本性改革,随着社会救助的制度化与科层化,我国社会救助制度需要构建新的社会救助价值观。"对自我救助的帮助"即是以助人自助为核心的社会工作价值观介入社会救助后,对社会救助价值的新理解,它既有助于在全社会范围内弘扬以人为本的现代救助理念,也有益于在实施社会救助的同时培养被救助者的自尊、自强、自立意识。


      Abstract: The Chinese traditional social assistance value is originated from moral quality.The social assistance system for citizens is a rational revolution from the traditional one.With the institutionalization and bureaucratization of social assistance,the social assistance system needs to form a new concept of social assistance."The help to self-assistance" is a new understanding of the social assistance after the involvement of the value of social work.It helps to promote the person-centered spirits of social assistance.The person being helped gets a boost of self-esteem,self-improvement,and self-reliance with the application of social assistance to the whole society.


