
    Analysis of the Philosophy of Contradiction in the Unbearable Lightness of Being

    • 摘要: 矛盾是一个普遍存在的哲学命题,也是很多经典文学作品中的一个重要母题。在世界文学大师米兰·昆德拉的代表作《不能承受的生命之轻》中,存在着多组对立统一的矛盾,其中包括轻与重、肉与灵、偶然与必然、梦境与现实以及谎言与真实。这些多元共生的矛盾体相互作用,它们的对立、转化和消解推动了情节的发展,也加深了作品的哲学内涵。通过分析这些矛盾体,可以从中管窥出昆德拉的许多哲学理念,这对于研究他的创作与思想有着重要意义。


      Abstract: Contradiction is not only a widespread philosophical proposition but also an important motif in the World Literature.In The Unbearable Lightness of Being written by Milan Kundera,there are many contradictions,including light and heavy,flesh and spirit,fortuity and inevitability,dreams and reality as well as lies and truth.The symbiosis of these contradictions promotes the development of the plot and deepens the philosophical content of the work.By analyzing these contradictions,we can figure out Kundera's philosophical ideas which are of great significance in understanding the meaning of his works.


