Research on the Town Enterprises Reform Based on the Interest Group Perspective
摘要: 中国的乡镇企业是在改革开放初期,广大农民为参与工业化过程中的利益分割而选择的一种经济组织形式,但是随着市场经济体制改革的不断深入,乡镇企业发展后劲严重不足,不得不进行转型改制。为什么会出现这样一种局面,则正是本文所要回答的问题。文章主要运用奥尔森的利益集团理论以及行动理论来解释乡镇企业在农村由兴起到改制的变迁。最后得出的结论认为,在社区政府、乡镇企业经营者、社区农民和乡镇企业职工等各方力量共同作用下,乡镇企业完成了自身转型改制的制度变迁过程。Abstract: China's township enterprise is the economic organization form that general farmers chose to participate in the benefit division of the industrialization process in the reform and open policy initial period.With the deepening development of the market economic system reform,the development of the township enterprise is insufficient and it has to be transformed.Aimed at such problems,this article is to explain the changing process of the township enterprise from the thriving to the transformation by using mainly the interest group theories and the action theory of Olson.Finally,this paper concludes that township enterprises have completed the institutional change process of the transformation with the common effort of the community government,operators of the rural community farmers and town enterprise workers.