
    An Analysis of Pun

    • 摘要: 巧妙地运用双关语是增强语言形象性和艺术性的重要途径之一。对于双关的理解的正确与否有赖于个人的广博阅历、细致观察和丰富想像。贴切且新颖的双关可以使事理深入浅出,褒贬鲜明,又不失幽默。文章从双关语的概念淡起,分析双关语的形成、应用及效果,以此展现其丰富内涵及艺术魅力。


      Abstract: A delicate employment of pun is one of the important ways to enhance the liveliness and artistry of the language.A proper understanding of pun lies in rich experience, careful observation and rich imagination.Appropriate and originated pun could clarify reasons and sharpen judgement on the basis of humor.In terms of the definition of pun,this paper makes an analysis of pun in English and Chinese,disclosing the beauty and comprehensive meaning in pun.


