
    Development of the Architecture Postgraduate Students' Research Ability and Improvement of Their Theoretival Quality

    • 摘要: 分析了建筑学硕士生毕业论文中存在的一些问题,回顾了硕士教育阶段对学生学术理论能力培养与训练的过程。提出了在课程论文、开题报告、选题方向及毕业论文研究写作阶段的经验和不足。强调建筑学硕士生的培养既应重视建筑设计创造力、形象思维能力的培养,又要加强其学术理论研究素质的训练。


      Abstract: This paper reviews the research ability development and the training process of architect postgraduale students by sludying the problems occurred in their graduating dissertalions, And summarizes the experience and shorlcomings in thesis proposal, paper topic selection, and the thesis composing. The aulhor emphasizes lhal attenlion should be paid to not only developing the imagina tive creativity of architecture, but also training the students' academie research ability. The two as pects should complement each other.


