Study on Domain Name Dispute
摘要: 针对目前司法实践中普遍存在的滥用反不正当竞争法诚信条款解决域名争议的现象,旨在探讨一种更为合理的域名争议法律适用模式。笔者运用实证分析和比较分析等研究方法,得出如下结论:法院在处理域名争议案件时,应先以低层次之个别制度为出发点,当穷尽其解释及类推适用之能事仍不足解决时,始宜诉诸反不正当竞争法诚实信用原则,以免法律权威之减损。笔者建议公布更为全面、明确的司法解释,为具体法律规定的适用提供明确指导,以尽量消除导致法官“向一般性条款逃避”的因素。Abstract: The application of law is the initial problem for the solution of the domain name dispute,however,the current juridical practice is glutted with the phenomenon of abusing good faith article on anti-unfair competition law to solve the domain name dispute.This article aims at discussing a more reasonable mode of the application of law.By using the methods of the historical research,the comparative and empirical analysis,the author concludes that the court should give priority to the application of lower-order explicit rule while solving the domain name dispute.The good faith article should only be applied when the interpretation or the application by the analogy of lower-order explicit rule is exhausted, for fear that the authority of law is diluted.The author suggests that the more comprehensive and explicit judicial interpretation should be published to give definite directions for the application of the explicit rule,so as to avoid "the evading to the general item of the judge" as far as possible.