
    On the University Party's Petition Work with the Innovation Spirit

    • 摘要: 研究如何以改革创新精神,以人为本、依法信访,通过创新信访理念、信访方法、信访体制、信访机制,不断提升高校党组织通过信访工作构建和谐校园的能力。指出高校党的信访工作作为构建和谐校园的基础性工程,是高校通过维护发展师生群众利益,扎实贯彻落实科学发展观的重要着力点,是高校贯彻落实科学发展观所必须认真面对和思考的问题。


      Abstract: This paper discusses how to improve the party's petition work and try to build a harmonious campus,by means of the creative reform,humanism and the petition work based on law with the creative idea,method,system and mechanism.It points out the university's petition work is taken as the foundational project of the harmonious campus construction, which is the key point for the university to maintain the teachers and students benefits,and it is the key problem the university has to face and consider so as to practice the concept of the scientific development.


