
    Analysis and Affirmation of the Value of Science

    • 摘要: 中国人自五四新文化运动起就把科学当成破除迷信、摆脱贫穷、实现现代化的有力武器,然而,科学的作用到底是正面的还是负面的从来就有不同的看法。本文在分析梳理自上世纪初以来中国人,尤其是人文知识分子对科学的批判性态度的基础上,重申科学给人理性和力量,使人自尊和自信。科学是人文的后盾,不是人文的敌人,进而特别强调了今天真正懂得科学的精神、性质与范围,以及以科学的态度对待科学的重要意义。


      Abstract: There have always been different opinions on if Science has positive function or negative. This paper, based on analysing the critic attitude to science of some Chinese intellectuals especially the intellectuals studying the humanities since the last century, restates that science can give people reason and strength, self-respect and self-confident, and that science is the backing of humanity not its enemy. Therefore, the paper lays stress on the important significance of understanding the spirit, quality and involved range of science, and taking scientific attitude towards science.


