The Bottlenecks and Paths of the Private Economic Development in Abazhou
摘要: 阿坝州民营经济的发展不仅事关区域经济的兴衰,而且影响社会稳定和民族繁荣以及和谐社会的构建。文章归纳了阿坝州民营经济发展的特点,分析了阿坝州民营经济发展中所遇到的障碍,特别是针对社会化服务体系不健全与企业融资难问题,提出了优化发展环境,提升企业竞争力,健全社会服务体系,拓宽融资渠道等促进阿坝州民营经济发展的具体路径。Abstract: The development of the private economy for Abazhou not only relates to the regional economic development,but also affects the social stability and the national prosperity,and the construction of harmonious society.This paper summarizes the characteristics,analyzes the obstacles of the development of the private economy in Abazhou,especially the incomplete social service system and the financing difficulties for the private enterprises,and proposes the paths which can promote the development of the private economy for Abazhou.