
    Democracy in the Internet Age

    • 摘要: 网络的迅速发展对人类民主理论与实践的影响巨大,它既为民主化进程提供了空前的动力与机遇,使人们畅想民主的新篇章,同时又使民主的发展面临着巨大的挑战。网络技术的发展为直接民主的实现带来了曙光,使得民主为大多数人所享有成为可能,但也给民主的发展带来多种阻碍,影响着民主理想的实现。作为技术手段的网络是中性的,其对民主作用的实现需要掌握这个技术的公众及政府的共同努力。这是推动网络民主发展的正确道路。


      Abstract: The quick development of the Internet has affected democracy theories and practices deeply. It facilitates the democratization and also poses enormous challenge. The development of the Internet makes it possible that most people have access to democracy, but it also poses various obstacles. As a technology the network is neutral it takes the combined efforts of the government and individuals to realize democracy.


