Some Issues on Cultural Research
摘要: 自五四以来,文化一词在当代中国一直极富魅力,文化问题一直是吸引当代中国学术界关注的前沿性话题。本文分析与评论了现当代中国的文化进化主义与文化相对主义,文化激进主义与文化保守主义,文化全球主义与文化民族主义。本文认为,加强对这些文化建设中的重大理论问题的研究,对于建设既继承优良传统又富有时代精神,既立足本国又面向世界的中国社会主义新文化,具有重要意义。Abstract: Since the May Fourth Movement in 1919, the word "culture" has been a glamorous term in Chinese society, and the issues related to the culture have been the frontier topics attracting the Chinese academia. This article focuses on the analysis and comment on the contemporary Chinese cultural evolutionism and relativism, cultural radicalism and conservatism, and cultural globalism and nationalism. It is believed that strengthening our study on the important theoretical issues in the cultural construction has a crucial significance for establishing a new socialist Chinese culture containing both the spirit of the times and the excellent Chinese traditions, and having our feet planted in our own country while keeping the whole world in view.