
    Operating Mechanisms of the Anti-poverty Policy and the Role of Local Government

    • 摘要: 以发展贫困地区特色产业为手段的扶贫方式也被称为产业扶贫,是开发式扶贫中的重要组成部分,其目标是通过发展地方产业,提升贫困群体自身发展能力,促进贫困地区人口脱贫致富。但是,产业扶贫项目在基层运作的过程中,是否真正能带动贫困群体脱贫致富?使用定性研究方法,对武陵山区4个贫困县展开调查。通过对产业扶贫项目在地方社会的3种运作模式(干部承揽的产业扶贫、依靠“大户”或“公司”的扶贫项目、依靠农户参与和合作推行的扶贫项目)的考察,认为地区产业发展和经济提升未必一定会带动贫困者能力提升并脱离贫困的生活困境;而中央设计扶贫政策的目的与地方政府的施政能力和施政动力之间、产业发展理念与扶贫理念之间存在着的张力导致了产业扶贫项目这一政策在具体实施过程中被扭曲,因而并未真正达到期望的效果。


      Abstract: Chinese government increased the efforts on rural poverty areas. Especially in recent years,the government have aided the poor by means of the whole region development instead of relief payments.That may help poor people improve their abilities to get rich. The poverty alleviation through the agricultural industrialization assumed that the regional development inevitably would bring the improvement of poor people's income and living standard. However,this study recognized that the regional agricultural industrialization development and the economic growth may not inevitably automatically reduce the poverty under the operating mechanisms of the current anti-poverty policy(government-dominated,relying on the super producer or company,relying on the participation and the cooperation of the poor population). There is a divergence between the central government's policy aim and the motive of the local government. And the idea of "development" and the idea of "anti-poverty".As a result,the policy of the poverty alleviation through the agricultural industrialization was distorted in the operation and did not facilitate the poor people and improve their abilities,and even harm the social solidarity.


