
    Research on Gong Dingzi's Contribution to Ci-poetry Circle of Early Qing Dynasty

    • 摘要: 龚鼎孳是清初词坛的早期代表。他早期填词取源《花间》,创作了不少婉媚蕴藉的令词,与词坛主流之云间派保持了相当的一致。但他又能突破云间派狭隘的理论主张,大量创作长调,不为“花间妩媚”局限,导扬“稼轩风”。历来不少观点认为:龚鼎孳填词带“稼轩风”乃受阳羡宗主陈维崧的影响,实际上龚鼎孳使用长调、倾心“稼轩风”的时间远早于陈维崧。而他对陈维崧的奖掖,更为陈维崧成为一代词宗奠定了根基。龚鼎孳对清初词坛有承前启后之功,为清词中兴作出了重要贡献。


      Abstract: Gong Dingzi was the early representative of ei-poetry in Early Qing Dynasty.His early writing followed Huajian ci,creating a substantial number of ci-poetry in gentle and refined mode,so he could keep consistent with Yunjian School,whose proposition was regarded as mainstream at that time.However,he could break the limitation of Yunjian School by creating many long lyrics.He didn't confine to Huajian ci by proposing "Jiaxuan Style".Many believed that Gong Dingzi 's "Jiaxuan Style" was influenced by Chen Weisong,the leader of Yangxian School.In fact,Gong Dingzi was much earlier than Chen Weisong in creating long lyrics with "Jiaxuan Style".Furthermore,he established the foundation for Chen Weisong's leading status in ci-poetry by his supporting.Gong Dingzi served as a link between past and future in ci-poetry circle of Early Qing Dynasty,and contributed a lot to the Resurgence of Qing Ci-poetry.


