Deng Xiaoping's Status in and Contribution to the Soviet Union and China
摘要: 客观地评价了邓小平在中苏论战中所处的历史地位,分析了邓小平在中苏论战中的突出贡献,指出在中苏论战中,邓小平坚决反对前苏联大党主义和大国主义,为维护民族尊严和国家主权做出了重大贡献,表现了中华民族不信邪、不怕压的大无畏精神。Abstract: Deng's historic status in the controversy betwcen the Soviet Union and China is evaluated objectively in this article and his prominent contribution is also expatiated on.It is expounded that Deng set himself against "the great-party chauvinism" and "the great-nation chauvinism" in the Soviet Union in the controversy and contributed momentously to standing on our nation's dignity and dominion representing to disbelieve in evil and hold no fear for being overwhelmed which the Chinese people stand for in spirit.