
    Analysis on Capital Flight From China

    • 摘要: 介绍了资本外逃及其测算模型,并运用间接法对我国资本外逃进行了估算,结果显示中国存在严重的资本外逃现象。在分析了中国资本外逃产生的原因的基础上,提出了相关的防范对策。


      Abstract: Capital flight induces financial crisis and accelerates its spread, which has become a big threat on a country's economic safety. This paper introduces the definition of capital flight and its calculating models, and uses indirect calculating method to measure Chinese capital flight The result shows that the phenomenon of serious capital flight has existed in China. After particularly analyzing the reasons that leads to capital flight from China, the author puts forward some relevant countermeasures to guard against it.


