A Social Policy Analysis on Supporting Rural Enforced Male Bachelors
摘要: 农村大龄未婚男性问题是21世纪中国人口性别结构失衡的一项典型表现。文章从婚恋行为、个体福利、生活支持和公共安全影响等角度分析了农村大龄未婚男性的生存困境,从地区和年龄层面评述了针对该群体的社会支持政策。研究认为:为了应对该群体对社会经济发展全局的潜在负面影响,国家和政府需要采取行动改善该群体的生存状况,完善针对该群体的碎片化的社会支持政策,加快建设系统化的农村大龄未婚男性社会支持政策体系。Abstract: Rural enforced male bachelors issue is a typical performance of Chinese unbalanced population sex structure in twenty-first century. Based on the description on marriage behaviors’ difficulties, individual well-being and daily life support, the social policy on supporting this group of people is analyzed from the perspective of both the area they live and the age they are in. It suggests that it is necessary for the government to take measures to improve the social support policy system for rural enforced male bachelors in order to decrease the possible negative effect they may have on the whole society.