A Study on the Economic Effect of the Urban Tourizing
摘要: 从旅游产业对城市经济的影响角度定义城市旅游化,通过构建指标模型对我国26个城市的旅游化水平进行了测度,分析了这26个城市的旅游化水平与城市经济增长两者间的耦合关系,对城市旅游化发展的经济效应进行了评价,为正确认识城市旅游化发展对城市经济增长的影响提供理论参考和依据。Abstract: This paper defines the urban tourizing from the perspective of the impact of the tourism industry on the urban economy and designs a comprehensive index system of the urban tourizing to measure the level of the unban tourizing of the 26 tourism cities.Then it also measures the tourism economy contribution to the 26 cities economy in an econometric method and analyses the coordinate relationship between the different level of the urban tourizing and the urban economy so as to provide the theory reference and the basis for the correct understanding of the influence of the urban tourism development on the urban economy catering.