
    Ne Bis in Idem Under the Dual Norm:Concerning the Stabilization of Procedure

    • 摘要: 一事不再理的涵义和作用机理需要明确。通过与既判力、重复诉讼的比较可厘清一事不再理的涵义。“规范二分化”下一事不再理的作用机理是:作为行为规范,其根据当事人、诉的声明及主要争点联动识别“一事”,使对“一事”的再诉因取效不能而被驳回;作为评价规范,其基于程序安定的法经济学考量,因势制宜地对“二同”下不同类型的“一事”给予反诉、合并、中止的评价。


      Abstract: The Ne bis in idem's connotation and mechanism of action need to be defined.We can clarify the connotation of Ne bis in idem by comparing it with res judicata and repeated litigation.The ne bis in idem under the dual norm's mechanism of action is as follows;As a norm for conduct,it can identify " the same case" via litigant,declaration of litigation and main issues synthetically,thus to deny the repeated sue.As a norm for evaluation,it can evaluate different types of "the same case" under "Er Tong",thus to counterclaim,consolidate,stay of action inflexibly.


